If you would like to recieve a receipt for your paid dues, please let me know, otherwise receipts will not be sent out. You can note this on the return portion of your statement and one will be emailed to you for your records. Email(s) and phone number(s) can also be updated to receive important association related items.
Special note: Payments will now be accepted via venmo: VENMO @KDEast1808.
President - Jason Rey - kensingtondownseast@gmail.com - 260-312-8510
Vice President - Bryan Andonian - bsan63@yahoo.com
Secretary - Kathryn Hartman - katie.hartman87@gmail.com
Architectural Review Board:
Jason Rey - kensingtondownseast@gmail.com -260-312-8510
Section Representatives:
Kensington Downs East Villas:
Treasurer - Michael Frank - kdevillas@gmail.com